
Factual 'Facts' About Everything

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Warning, The Following List contains disputable Truths which require outside the box thinking to fully comprehend, some Viewers may find this confusing

1. Horse Never Changes; Neither does War, but that's another story

2. People Suck and Life is Pointless; That is until you find what makes people better, and discover a point in life on your own.

3. Something's Change, But Not Everything

4. Being Weird is Preferable, being Strange is a different matter.

5. I before E except after C, and when the English language makes an exception.

6. Latin isn't Dead.

7. Science is Magic explained...

8. You Can't Explain everything.

9. Blue Horses are Blue; except when they're purple.

10. A Woodchuck would chuck as much wood as it wanted or needed to if it could chuck wood.

11. Girls don't exist on the internet. People do.

12. Haters Hate, but Fanatics Instigate.

13. Is Neutral.

14. Nobody Understands You. Least of all You.

15. What doesn't kill you physically, might make you physically weaker.

16. What doesn't kill you mentally, might make you mentally stronger with time.

17. Years are enough to realise You don't know everything.

18. Years doesn't make you an adult.

19. Maturity and Age are separate, they don't rely on each other, but they do benefit from each other.

20. Never ask for acceptance, just ask not to be judged unfairly, expect the answer to be no.

21. You were born this way.

22. Luck is unaffected by karma, everyone is born with inherent luck. Karma can fluctuate.

23. Nothing is impossible, just highly unlikely.

24. Being ridiculous isn't something to be afraid of, being boring is.

25. Optimism is better than Pessimism, but Realism is better than both.

25. You do need to repeat yourself.

26. Everyone Matters, Importance is relative.

27. Time isn't cause and effect, it's wibbly wobbly.

28. Life IS Fair...just because it's hard doesn't mean it's unfair.

29. A longer life isn't a better one, time isn't what matters, the person is.

30. People disagree with doesn't mean they're wrong.

31. Sometimes winning is the only thing, but it isn't the fun thing.

32. If You stand up for what's right, no matter the odds, it will be okay... just not how you think.

33. You Should Do You... not what others expect you to.

34. The Mind is mightier than the Nuke...afterall one created the other.

35. The bad doesn't always spoil the good, and the good doesn't make up for the bad.

36. The most ordinary person can change the world, and nobody will realise it.

37. If you do the right thing, nobody will be sure you did anything at all.

38. Everyone and everything has the right to live, even a genocidal madman.

39. Everyone dies. but they can always be remembered.

40. Fear is a superpower, it doesn't have to make you cruel or cowardly, it can make you kind.

41. Potential is everything...literally.

42. Is the answer to everything.

43. All You really need to know, you learned in kindergarten.

44. Friendship is Magic...if you really think about it.

45. Every action has a reason behind it

46. Assumptions make an (Ass) out of Yo(u) and (Me)

47. If it hurts, it's probably not good, if it's uncomfortable, it probably is.

48. Life is Beautiful

49. Ignorance is Bliss, But Knowledge is Helpful too

50. Intelligence does not = Knowledge and vice versa.

51. If It feels wrong, it probably is.

52. Everything is Context Sensitive, not just your password.

53. Bigger isn't always better.

54.TypeCasting and Racism are different, that doesn't mean either of them are right.

55. Comparing Yourself to others never yields accurate results.

56. You can always improve, it doesn't mean you'll ever be better.

57. The Crazy, Shy, And Unpopular, are the most interesting.

58. At some point, you will be poisoned by a toxic cloud.

59. Nothing is ever straightforward.

60. There is no such thing as coincidence or an ordinary day, the universe is rarely that lazy.

70. If you get ahead of yourself, it's better to take a step back or 9.

61. If it matters you will know.

62. You only need the light, when it's burning low.

63. You'll only miss the sun when it starts to snow.

64. You'll only know you love them when you let them go.

65. And you will let them go.

66. If it was supposed to be easy, they wouldn't have offered an easy option.

67. Living and Learning is better than Dying and Yearning.

68. People make mistakes. Not everyone learns from them.

69. Dirty humour is always funny, except when it's not.

71. If you've come this far, you should keep going.

72. Being LGBT is not a choice, judging it is.

73. Religion isn't wrong, neither is science. people are.

74. Nobody does anything for nothing.

75. 3/4's of what you think you Know, is purely opinion.

76. Names are Pointless unless you know the meaning.

77. Secrets don't exist.

78. The Question isn't What. or Who. it's Why and When.

79. Cryptic statements are usually right.

80. The only thing you will ever know for certain is that you are not certain of anything at all.

81. Fear of a word or name only increases fear of the thing it represents.

82. Not everything that scares you will be scary.

83. Nothing is ever overrated, but everything is underrated.

84. Sorry doesn't cut it.

85. No one likes being wrong, but nobody is ever right.

86. There is no such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer.

87. Things are never what they seem.

88. Morality is gray, never black or white.

89. You Only hate others, because you hate yourself.

90. Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on something you don't like.

91. Get used to it.

92. But don't ever let it become normal.

93. Jackalopes don't wear denim.

94. Anything is possible if you can imagine it.

95. Even when you're close to the end, you might find yourself back where you started.

96. Creativity is Subjective, The Truth is not.

97. Sometimes mistakes can be a good thing.

98. Sometimes fixes can be a bad thing.

99. You can't fix what isn't broken.

100. There is always more to learn.

101. ...?
A Compilation of 'facts' about everything in life you know, don't know, do know and won't admit, and might not care about.
© 2015 - 2024 MjaxMajoran
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Blaussi's avatar
Okay but am I allowed to disagree?